Karate Seminars 2017

Seisho Itokazu Sensei 10th Dan, Konan Ryu (Uechi Ryu) and 9th Dan, Matayoshi Kobudo.

These seminars will be held at the Tenchi Goju Ryu Dojo & Martial Arts Center in Dalton, GA, USA.

Dates:  May 19 - 22 2017

Seminars on Shorin Ryu, Goju Ryu, Uechi Ryu and Matayoshi Kobudo will be given by these master instructors, thereafter they will travel to teach in St.Luis Potosi, Mexico for the Karate Do Kenkyukai Mexico.

This is an amazing opportunity to take in-depth instruction from three of the top karate instructors in the world.

Yoshio Kuba Sensei 10th Dan Hanshi, Goju Ryu

Zenpo Shimabukuro Sensei 10th Dan Hanshi, Shorin Ryu-Seibukan

KARATE SEMINARS - May 19-22, 2017

Classical Fighting Arts announces a series of seminars held under the auspices of the Karate Do Kenkyukai, and featuring:


Hanshi Zenpo Shimabukuro    


Hanshi Yoshio Kuba

Information included on this page is courtesy of Classical Fighting Arts

Seibukan Members - Go to "Member Log In" page to register to receive a discount.

For full registration details please visit:  http://karatedata.org/seminars_usa.html

Hanshi Seisho Itokazu